Erectile Dysfunction? Read this. Your answers are here.
Updated: Jul 3, 2024

I once read somewhere in the Judaism religion that when it comes to sex in a relationship, sex is the right of the wife.
Let that sink in...
That may sound preposterous, but if you think about it, your duty as a husband is to serve. In what capacity is between you two, but there is one fundamental duty every man must fulfill in my opinion, making sure she cums first.
Throughout my years as a personal trainer and nutritionist (now former), I've had men who suffered from ED, approach me seeking guidance on this matter. In every encounter, it was the same story. Their story was once my story. And I gave them all the same answer as I will give you.
#1 First talk to your woman!

Every story is the same. The first time it happens when you can't get it up or lose it during intercourse...
"Okay, everybody has a bad day, he might be stressed, or tired, it's okay", in her mind.
But after two or three times? She starts thinking you are not attracted to her anymore.
Then you start thinking the same thing.
This is what you are going to do:
Talking to your woman and being honest helps in two ways:
It deals with her fear.
It helps you with the stress of the matter (Not being able to please your woman is stressful).
Tell her it's not her. You are still attracted to her; the problem is you. You tell her that you as the man something is wrong and you will get to the bottom of it; starting with the next step.
#2 Get a physical and blood work done.
Make sure that there is nothing major going on with you like cancer. Make sure nothing is going on with your prostate, your heart, blood pressure, estrogen, and testosterone levels. Most likely your testosterone is low and estrogen is high. That can be fixed starting with the next steps.
#3 Cut out the damn sugar and alcohol!
Every male I have encountered with the problem of ED was guilty of the overconsumption of one if not both of these two things: sugary/processed foods or alcohol. Heavy drinking in men has long been recognized as causing high estrogen levels.[1]
This is what you are going to do:
You will eliminate all sugary/processed foods, zero out alcohol, or limit it to one drink per day until you can get and keep an erection without taking a damn blue pill. Your diet will consist of meat and veggies. In my opinion, sex is better on a vegetarian diet but we have to start somewhere. You should start seeing a difference in two weeks or one month.
Skeptic: "Two weeks to a month without ______? Well, I can't do that."
Me: "Well, what is more important? Your addiction? Or making your wife orgasm?"
Remember sex is for the woman!
#4 Lift weights and lose the excess body fat.
Something happens to the endocrine system when an individual incorporates proper diet and lifting weights into their lifestyle, I did not say walking, golf, mowing your lawn or Zumbra.
There is nothing healthy or attractive about carrying a pot belly. Let obese women deceive themselves regarding body positivity. You Sir need to get as strong as you can and lean as you can.
This is what you are going to do:
Research Stronglifts 5x5 and do that. Joining the right Crossfit box will change your life. Or as an alternative, go on YouTube and look up Calisthenics, and do that.
Adding resistance training into your lifestyle does something to you as a man when your woman is sexually attracted to you because you have a hot bod and not a dad bod.
Last one...
Eugene Shippen M.D. author of the book The Testosterone Syndrome: The Critical Factor for Energy, Health, & Sexuality - Reversing Male Menopause states this about Zinc:
Zinc status is critical. Since zinc inhibits levels of aromatase, the testosterone-to-estrogen convertor, declining zinc will adversely affect the male/female hormone ratio. Inadequate levels of zinc are extremely common in the American diet, particularly among the elderly. In addition, alcohol, drugs and disease can significantly lower zinc levels. Zinc is also necessary for the normal pituitary function, without which the proper hormonal signals will not be sent to the testicles to stimulate the production of testosterone. [2]
This is what you are going to do:
Doctor Shippen recommended taking 50mg of supplemental Zinc twice daily until you see improvement then 50 mg daily.[3]
Another option, I either go to my preferred supplement store, online, or brick-and-mortar, and grab a bottle of ZMA.
ZMA is a supplement formulation composed of zinc, magnesium aspartate, and vitamin B6 that is claimed to increase testosterone levels. I take ZMA in the morning with a little food and before I go to bed.
If you were looking for a more complex solution, I'm sorry to disappoint you. The solution you read above works. The solution is the easy part, the hard part is your ability to conquer yourself, and discipline yourself to make these lifestyle changes.
But if you can remember this: Sex is for the woman; YOU as the Man has to do what is required, to get your body back to a level you can perform your duty as her lover; making sure she cums first.
Implement these changes for one month and talk to me in the comments.
Eugene Shippen M.D. - The Testosterone Syndrome: The Critical Factor for Energy, Health, & Sexuality - Reversing Male Menopause - Chapter 5
Eugene Shippen M.D. - The Testosterone Syndrome: The Critical Factor for Energy, Health, & Sexuality - Reversing Male Menopause - Chapter 5
Eugene Shippen M.D. - The Testosterone Syndrome: The Critical Factor for Energy, Health, & Sexuality - Reversing Male Menopause - Chapter 13